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About College

JANTA KOSHI COLLEGE, BIRAUL was established in year 1968. As a centre of higher education in this remote flood effected area. This has been awarded the status of a constituent unit of L.N. Mithila University, darbhanga in 1980 up to degree level. Then This college has been established with real objective of providing quality higher education to the sons of downtrodden and poor farmers who are mainly of backward & SC Categories of this far flung area of Biraul. This college has three main building blocks. It has also developed various infrastructures to fulfill the academic need up to degree level education in Science, Arts and Commerce.

Our primary aim or goal is hot confirmed to the academic excellance but all about human growth and enduring life fulfillment. Our focus is not future economic properitybut future fuller human life with pease justice and happiness for all. We empower our students to face the challanges and crisis of life with an optimistic attitude, serenity, courage and trust in the Almighty God.

Janta Koshi College, Biraul, Darbhanga has been started by the local people and administration. The College established on 15 August 1968. Past 47 years has been the steady progress of the college and today it has became a full - fledged instituion with four thousand students of regular courses and more than two thousands students of Distance mode with forty five staff today. An educational institution can not exists by itself its success is the result of a unifiled effort of the management staff, students and parents. Therefore let us commit ourselves to the noble task of educating the heart, mined and soul of the students under our care.

Well equipped class rooms and laboratories are the main assets of the college. Computer Lab and Library facilities are adequate. Games & sports are also there. College is trying to start NCC also Separate common rooms for Girls & Boys, Staff rooms for Teaching & Non - teaching employees are also the main attraction point.